
The Zion Connection Paperback – January 1, 1996 by Elwood McQuaid (Author)

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Editorial Reviews


“I received THE ZION CONNECTION with pleasure, and began to ‘swallow’ it immediately.” — The Late Major General Uzi Narkiss, Israel Defense Force

“Many perspectives presented in this book were quite new and surprising to me, yet thoroughly documented and biblical.” — Dr. John Whitcomb, Theologian

About the Author

ELWOOD MCQUAID served for thirteen years as the executive director of The Friends of Israel. He is currently editor-in-chief of Friends of Israel’s world-renowned magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, where his articles appear regularly, and is the well-known host of the ministry’s radio programs. Mr. McQuaid is one of America’s foremost spokesmen on current trends and events involving the Middle East and Israel and is a frequent contributor to international publications, including THE JERUSALEM POST. Interviews with him currently can be heard each week on Jerusalem Post Radio. Mr. McQuaid is the author of numerous books, including ZVI: THE MIRACULOUS STORY OF TRIUMPH OVER THE HOLOCAUST, which was a 2001 Gold Medallion Book Award Finalist.
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THE ZION CONNECTION: Elwood McQuaid takes a thoughtful, sensitive look at relations between Jewish people and evangelical Christians, including the controversial issues of anti-Semitism, the rise of Islam, the right of Jewry to a homeland in the Middle East, and whether Christians should try to reach Jewish people with the gospel message—and how.