All the evidence that is shown in this Bible helps Christians share their faith more effectively. It is not really a study Bible (though it contains portions with study notes) it is more of a “question and answer” bible. It helps those who have questions about other faiths, science and evolution and attacks on the Scripture. Ray is a great evangelist with a heart for the lost. The reviewer who attacked the understanding of the Sabbath law may need to simply understand that the Bible is inerrant, not the notes. I have not read a study edition bible yet that I did not have some differences with the author of the notes. If you found only one thing you disagree with in this book loaded with good material, that is impressive for Ray. I would recommend this Bible to people who are searching for truth concerning false religions, cults and junk science. If you are looking for a more comprehensive study edition Bible see John MacArthur sTudy Bible (But buy them both, as this Bible is also very good)