
Take Courage – Think to the End

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The Bible says, “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5:12).

He nodded, but did he have the courage to think this vital matter through to the end?

Are you afraid of God? Do you feel like you can’t afford to think all the way to the final consequence, because of your ultimate realization that you are guilty before God?

If so, don’t deny it. That is probably why you talk so little or not at all about eternal things. You change the subject, searching for detours for your fearful conscience. You berate “Christians” who have cheated or disappointed you. You are filled with anger against some church in order to overpower the quiet warning of your conscience that you are lost.

LOOK! Do you have the courage to stop for a minute to think this matter through to the end? At the end, there is not only your guilt but also the Son of God, Jesus Christ to confront.

You may have fallen down, but you have not fallen into a bottomless pit. Below you is the One who went down even further: Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for your sins: “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:19).

I have a very personal message for you, one that I can say with joyful assurance: you can think this matter through to the end, for at the end stands Jesus Christ. He not only died on the cross, but He also rose from the dead and lives from eternity to eternity! He personally invites you to come to Him.

Do you now have the courage to think about this matter regarding your soul, through to the end? It is necessary and it is about time: your end on earth must be settled once and for all. Who knows if your heart will beat tomorrow? Who can guarantee that in one hour you will still be on this earth?

LISTEN! Friend, I beg you to think this matter through to the end! Jesus is waiting. He loves you and says, “…him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). That means you! Now, when you think about your life and see that black stream of guilt, kneel down at His feet and confess all of your sins.

You will experience that “…if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

Why not do this right now? Think the matter through to the end regarding your soul, and an eternally valid, new beginning will take place. You will become born again, and you can then think about the end of your life, when you will meet your faithful Redeemer with joy and happiness!

-By Wim Malgo

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STOP! Do you act as if you are going to live on this earth forever? Nobody knows how little or how much time we may have left to live. The Bible says that our time is in God’s hands. We depend upon Him for every breath we take. But is there a God? If your answer is yes, then you must admit that He is your Maker. Therefore, someday you will have to give an account before Him. Please have the courage to think this through to the end.

You may think, “I do not want to grow old,” yet you will get old. You want to hold on to life, but one day you will have to let it go. You cannot bear the thought of dying, but ultimately you will die. The Bible says, “…it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

On my way to our new missionary training center in Brazil, I sat next to a young man who emigrated from Germany to Brazil. As we quietly talked, I learned that although he belonged to a Lutheran church, he had no assurance of his salvation.

I explained to him the difference between belonging to Jesus and being a member of a church. God is not interested in our religion, our confirmation of faith, our pious words, or our prayers; God is only interested in our hearts.

I said to the young man, “Life is very short. Are you ready for eternity?”

“I have thought about it,” he replied.

“Think this matter through to the end! If you are not saved, then you are lost forever!”