Appendix M The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb Part II

Appendix M
The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb
By Lambert Dolphin

This is a shortened version of this study. View the full article at

I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew
with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
30When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. – Matthew 26:26-30
The universality of God’s invitation for all men everywhere to come to the marriage
supper is clearly implied by a famous parable related by Jesus in Matthew 22:1-14. The required
wedding garment represents true righteousness imparted by faith, which replaces that normal
self-righteous we all have as a result of the fall.
The wedding feast, celebration, and intimate union with the Lord of the universe–who is
himself Love–will be so joyful, fulfilling and marvelous that all efforts should be focused on
getting ready to attend (Luke 13:22-30).
In the parable of the Ten Virgins Jesus distinguished between professing and true
believers. True believers have the endless resources of the indwelling Holy Spirit within them
while those who have not yet enter a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord are merely
enjoying temporary fringe benefits of associating with those who know Jesus personally:

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to
meet the bridegroom. 2
Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their
lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their
lamps. 5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8
The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give
us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
” ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell
oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10″But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were
ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11″Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said. ‘Open the door for us!’
12″But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’
13″Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.‖ – Matthew 25:1-13
The actual marriage supper of the Lamb itself is specifically announced in connection
with the second coming (the epiphaneia) of the Lord Jesus:
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud
peals of thunder, shouting:
For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
Fine linen, bright and clean,
was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)
9Then the angel said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of
the Lamb!’ ” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” – Revelation 19:6-9

The Great Supper of God
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is not to be confused with the Great Supper of God,
which is an invitation for vultures and other carrion feeders to gorge themselves on the dead bodies of the wicked men of earth slain in battle during the campaign of Armageddon
(Revelation 19:17-21).
: This same “sacrificial feast”–for the benefit of the birds of prey–is described in Ezekiel.
The time is after the great Northern invasion of Syria and Russian satellite powers, which many
Bible scholars believe is part of the campaign of Armageddon during the last half of The
Tribulation Period just prior to the triumphant return of Jesus Christ to establish his kingdom on
earth. The Ezekiel passage describes the destruction of the invading armies as due to the direct
intervention of the hand of God (Ezekiel 39:17-29).