Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
The Most Accurate And Comprehensive Bible Dictionary Available BY: J.D Douglas and Merrill C. Tenney
Created to Help You get more out of Your Study of the Bible, This Book contains:
- 7,200 Entries
- 500 Full Color Photographs, Charts, and Illustrations
- 75 Full Color Maps
- Scripture Index
ZOndervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Copy right @ 1987, 2011, by Zondervan
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Library Of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary Edited by J.D. Douglas and Merrill C. Tenney, revised byMoises Silva.
ALL Scripture Quotations, Unless Otherwise Indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Copyright
@ 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica Inc. Used by Permission Of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
When the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary appeared in 1963, Under the general editorship of the well known New Testament Scholar Merrill C. Tenney, It quickly established itself as a standard One volume reference work for the study of Scriptures. Almost 25 years later, a completely revised edition, Which came to be known as The New International Bible Dictionary, was Published under the capable direction of J.D. Douglas. The present revision preserve a fundamental continuity with the two previous editions, Yet in many important respects it represents a new work.
The Most Obvious difference ls of course its general appearance. Printed in full color through out the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary ( ZIBD ) includes more than 470 striking photographs and more than 17 freshly produce maps. The new artistic design and use of fonts greatly enhance the attractiveness and clarity of the work. More substantial, however, are the changes in content. Almost 1800 new entries have been added bringing the total to over 72,00 ( including many useful cross references that make it easier for the user to find desired information). Articles dealing with the books of the Bibles now includes a side bar with concise information concerning Authorship, historical setting, purpose and contents. Every article have been revised and updated, and although in some cases the changes required were minor, Most entries involved through revision or even total rewriting. In this process the editor had the advantage of being able to make use of the revised edition of the Zondervan Encyclopedia Of the Bible ( ZEB ) Particularly in the case of shorter articles material from ZEB was often transferred ( with only minor revisions ) to the corresponding ZIBD entries. Thus the one Volume work, while retaining many distinctive features not found in ZEB, may be regarded to some extent as an abbreviated version of its multivolume Cousin. What this means for the reader is the benefit of using ZIBD with greater confidence. One Volume Bible Dictionaries often report information or make claims that because of space limitations or for other reasons are not properly documented. If an items seem unusual ( eg. a statement is made that contradicts an alternate work of reference ) Readers may find it quite difficult to verify the information. Users of ZIBD, in contrast knowing that most of the material is treated more fully in ZEB ( which usually include argumentation, Some technical data , and extensive bibliographies ), can readily consult the larger work for further details. Although much of the material in ZIBD can still be traced back to one or both of the previous editions, the change have been so extensive that attributing articles to individuals authors would in most cases prove misleading. Rather than make arbitrary decisions in specific cases all the entries now appear unsigned. The revising editor and all readers however will continue to be indebted to the original writers, whose name appear listed in both of the earlier editions.