Archive by Author

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) – 1987

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) – 1987 In 1987 the Palestinians began an intifada (uprising) against the control of Israel. Hamas was born from this unrest, and was an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is not closely aligned with the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah movement because the Muslim Brotherhood began in Egypt where the […]

The Balfour Agreement and the British Mandate

The Balfour Agreement and the British Mandate Meanwhile, the plight of European Jews continued to grow. The more they were persecuted, the stronger the concept of Zionism grew. In 1917, just before the end of World War I, the government of Great Britain became gradually committed to the idea of establishing a Jewish home in […]

The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem

The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem In the last 1300 years, with only one exception, the Temple Mount has been in the hands of Muslims. On July 15, 1099 Jerusalem was taken from the Muslims by the Crusaders from Europe. The Crusaders slaughtered the inhabitants of Jerusalem in an unjustified carnage. The Dome of the Rock was […]

Historical Developments: Israel Scattered, The Church Age,

Historical Developments: Israel Scattered, The Church Age, and The Rise of Islam This chapter serves as an annex to Section Two. It traces the major movements of Israel and the Church during the past two thousand years. It also includes highlights of the rise of Islam as it affects Israel and the Church. It is […]

The Centrality of Israel and Jewish People during the Tribulation

The Centrality of Israel and Jewish People during the Tribulation A great body of converted people from all the nations is mentioned several times in the book of Revelation–after the rapture of the Church. Usually they are called the “Saints.” They are believers in Christ–Jews and Gentiles alike, but they are not referred to as […]

The Lawless One Not Revealed until Hindering Force Removed

The Lawless One Not Revealed until Hindering Force Removed In 2 Thessalonians we are told that the “man of sin (or lawlessness)” will not be revealed until “he who now restrains” is taken out of the way. Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, […]

The Rapture of the Church

The Rapture of the Church The Next Major Biblical Event in History 13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with […]

The Bilderberg Group – 1954

The Bilderberg Group – 1954 The Bilderberg Group was established in 1954 in The Netherlands. This is a similar organization to the Council on Foreign Relations. Its annual meeting of about 100 power-elite members is by invitation only. It does now publish its agenda but the meetings and their plans are top-secret. The fact that […]

Recent Developments toward a New World Order

Recent Developments toward a New World Order Council for a Parliament of World Religions – 1893 The Parliament for the World‘s Religions came into existence in 1893 to promote interreligious harmony. At least four sessions of the parliament have been held: Chicago in 1993; Cape Town in 1999; Barcelona in 2004; and Melbourne in 2009. […]

A New World Order

A New World Order We have already studied the rise and fall of various world empires under Satan’s control and the emerging final form of that political structure. We have also mentioned the course of false world religions from the time of Nimrod in Babel through the period of The Tribulation. Now we will examine […]