Archive by Author

Time in the New Testament

Time in the New Testament The New Testament appeals to reason, to the conscience, and to the rational mind to communicate the same truths that are found in the Old Testament in story form. Someone has suggested that the Old Testament appeals to the right side of the brain and the New, to the left […]

Dynamical Time and Atomic Time

Dynamical Time and Atomic Time The “clock” for measuring time given us in the Bible can be called “dynamical time” because this clock is based on the motion of the earth on its axis (defining the day), the period of the moon as it revolves around the earth establishing the lunar month (used in the […]

Subjective Time

Subjective Time Various dimensions of time (which we usually don’t stop and think about) are known to us in our daily experience. First, there is subjective time, which is the appearance of time to our sense of consciousness. Subjective time cannot be measured by a stop watch, but this type of time varies over wide […]

The Old Testament View of Time

The Old Testament View of Time The Hebrew concept of time found in the Old Testament is concerned more with the quality of time as it relates to hail, rain, summer, and harvest or to “evil days” or “prosperous times.” Clock or calendar time certainly is tracked in the Old Testament. Believing Jews as well […]

Appendix F The Complexities of Time

Appendix F The Complexities of Time Introduction to Time This essay touches briefly on various aspects and dimensions of time. To a scientist, time is a relatively simple matter, but when one gets into the Bible time has qualitative and subjective aspects. There is much more to consider. The Bible contrasts time and eternity as […]

Some Provisions of the New Covenant

Appendix E Notes on Covenants in the Bible Part 3 Some Provisions of the New Covenant The New Covenant promised to Israel went into effect at the Last Supper during Easter Week. Jesus instituted this covenant with his eleven disciples who were representatives of true, believing Israel. Jesus then asked these disciples to become representatives […]

Appendix E Notes on Covenants in the Bible Part 2

Appendix E Notes on Covenants in the Bible Part 2 By Lambert Dolphin Mainline Covenants One special set of these covenants might well be called “mainline” covenants because they are connected one after another in a line, all the way from the first promise God made to Eve (that one of her sons would be […]

Appendix E Notes on Covenants in the Bible

Appendix E Notes on Covenants in the Bible By Lambert Dolphin The Hebrew word berith, covenant, occurs over 280 times in the Old Testament. (The English word covenant means “a coming together.”) Covenants can include treaties, alliances, agreements, compacts, pledges, mutual agreements, promises, and undertakings on behalf of another. The translators of the OT into […]

Appendix C Harmony of Prophecy Chart & Appendix D Warnings and Cautions

Appendix C Harmony of Prophecy Chart & Appendix D Warnings and Cautions Appendix D Warnings and Cautions In these tumultuous times there is a great deal of interest in prophecy. Unfortunately, there are some dangerous temptations in the study of prophecy. Some teachers and writers go far beyond the boundaries of sound scriptural interpretation. There […]

Appendix A &B Definition of Common Terms Found In Eschatology Part II

Appendix  A &B Definition of Common Terms Found In Eschatology II Appendix B Definition of Common Terms Found In Eschatology   Pretribulation. This is the teaching that Jesus comes for his bride, the true Church, at the beginning of the Tribulation period. Midtribulation. According to this belief, Jesus raptures the Church half-way through the sevenyear […]