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Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times, Excerpt

Dictionary Of Biblical Prophecy and End TimesJ. DANIEL HAYS J. SCOTT DUVALL C. MARVIN PATE ZONDERVAN AUTHOR TRACKER follow your favrite author. We Want to hear from you. Please send your comments about this book to us in care of Zreview@zondervan. Thank you. ZONDERVAN Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times Copyright @ 2007 […]

The Second Coming 

First Century Israelis longed for a redeemer who would destroy the Roman Empire. They turned against Jesus when his salvation provided spiritual deliverance from sin, and not military deliverance from Rome. At the Second Coming, Jesus will destroy the world empires and deliver Israel. As enemy soldiers overrun Jerusalem, Christ returns to earth – riding […]

Time Remains

Watch the evolving Beast out of the Sea.Its status relates to the time remaining BY watching the European Economic Area (EEA), which is the beastout of the sea, it is possible to approximate how much timeremains before Antichrist takes control of Europe. The Roman beast, withseven heads and ten horns, began with eighteen nations. It […]

Two Beasts

Two Beasts lead the aggression against Israel Daniel foresaw the Roman Empire hundreds of years before it was established. In Daniel’s vision, the Roman Empire was to be the fourth and final great world empire. DANIEL’S FOUR GREAT EMPIRES: Major Empire: Babylonia 626 BC – 539 BC Head of Gold Lion Daniel 2:38 Medo-Persia 539 BC –330 BC Chest and […]


Scripture foretold the past two thousand years of Israeli history. Ezekiel wrote about Israel’s exile from its homeland, which occurred in 70 AD with the Roman destruction of Israel. He also foretold the suffering of Jews while in exile at the hands of enemies, to include Adolph Hitler. Ezekiel quoted God assaying, and the nations will […]

The Last Trumpet

The seventh trumpet is where the resurrection of God’s people occurs—along with the second, and final, rapture of the Church. A description of this rapture can be found by grouping events between the start of the seventh trumpet and the first bowl of God’s wrath—into one event. This event is the seventh and last  trumpet.Start with the […]