Robert A Millikan, American Physicist and Nobel Price winner, Once said that aknowledge of the bible is an indispensable qualification of a well educated man. No other single book in the history of literature has been so widely distributed or read, or has exercised so powerful an influence on Civilization. It is the fountainhead of western Culture, and is the sole source of Spiritual life and the Revelation for all Christians. For the development of Christian Experience and for the propagation of faith, a study of the scriptures is absolutely necessary. The history, law and, prophecies, sermons, and letters which they contains provide Gos’s estimate of man and his disclosure of himself through the historical process of revelation culminating in the person of his son Jesus Christ.  Understanding the Bible is often difficult for the average reader because of the unfamiliar names of persons, places and objects to which its alludes. The Historical and Culture background are alien to those of modern day and presupposed knowledge that is not easily attainable. The function of a Bible Dictionary is to render accissible a body of information that will enable one to comprehand the meaning of the text he is reading and to obtain ready and complete data concerning any related subject. With in resent years, the need for a new, up to date reference work has become increasingly urgent. Fresh discoveries in Archeology, better understanding of history and geography of the Middle East, and the fruits of multiply research have provided new insights and interpretation. the advanced of the graphis arts have improve greatly and effectiveness of photography, so that the artificts and inscriptions of the past can be produced vividly  forpublic exhibation. realizing the opportunity for a fresh venture in the field, the Zondervan Publishing House Inspired by the interest and foresight Mr. Peter DeVisser, Director of publications has undertaken the task of creating a totally new Dictionary, enlisting the cooperation of sixty five competant Scholars in every fiels from Archaeology to Zoology. The contents includes more than 5000 entries Among which may be found a numbers of important monographs on Biblical and Theological topics. In addition the Dicctionary contains an extensive series of articles On christians doctrines.  This pictorial Bible dictionary  is a completely new fully illustrated  One Volume work. It is design to provide quick access explanatory data, both by the verbal exposition of biographical, Chronological, geographical, and historical aspect of the Bible, and by the illustration related to them. The pictures have been selected for their relevance to the subject matter, for their historical values, and also with an eye to human interest. The scope of a one volume Dictionary is necissarily limited. The articles are not intended to be exhaustive nor are they planned primirally for professional sccholars. They are gauged for the use of pastors, Sunday school teachers, Bible class leaders, and students who desire concise and accurate information on questions raised by ordinary reading. For intensive research a more detailed and critical work is recommended. Although the articles are written from a conservative view point, each writer has been free to express his own opinion and is responsible for the material that appears over his signature. There may be minor disaggrements betweens statements by different persons; in such instances there is room for debate, and the contributors have liberty to differ. Uncertainty still exists in some fields, since l sufficient data are not available for final conclusions. Special acknowledges are due to Dr. Steven Barabas, Associate Editor, who colaborated in preparing articles for publication, and who contributed many himself; to Dr. E.m Blaiklock, Professor Wick Broomall, Dr. Howard Z. Cleveland, the Reverend Charles Cook, Dr. Carl De Vries, the Reverend Arthur B. Fowler, the Reverend J.P. Freeman, Dr. Guy B. Funderburk, the Reverend Clyde E. Harrington, Dr. D Edmond Hiebert, the Reverend John G. Johansson, the Reverend Brewster Porcella, Profersor Atrhur M Ross, Dr. Emmet Russell, Dr. Walter Wessell,  who in addition tothe initialed articles published under their names, contributed many of the unsigned articles; to Miss Verda Bloomhuff and the Reverend Briggs p. Dingman, who assisted in correction of copy and proof and to Miss Carol Currie and Mrs.  Alice Holmes for invaluable secretarial services. The General Editor wishes to express his gratitude to all those Scholars name in the list of contributors who have lent their time and counsel to the production of this book.   MERRILL  C. TENNY